Project Visibility Project Visibility

March 15th 2020: First public reference of our project on the website of the Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana:

March 19th 2020: Post on the Slo-Tech web portal – the first post referencing our project after a few days of getting our initiative online:

March 23rd 2020: Article on RTV SLO.

March 23rd 2020: Post on the MMC RTV-SLO web portal, due to a few safety concerns, technical difficulties and migrating our server to accommodate more users, we  decided to temporarily suspend the project in order to complete the upgrade with as little problems as possible.

April 24th 2020: Participation in the CSA Webinar with a lecture titled “Citizen science project to fight against SARS-CoV-2 by distributed computing. Webinar link (Our lecture starts at 41 minutes): 

April 28th 2020: Report on TV Koper: Tackling COVID-19 with the use of computers

S pomočjo računalnikov nad COVID19

Kako izkoristiti na milijone računalnikov v boju zoper korona virus? To vprašanje si zastavlja skupina slovenskih znanstvenikov, ki se s pomočjo računalnikov, povezanih v nekakšno mrežo poskuša dokopali do učinkovitega zdravila. O zanimivi in aktualni ideji Edi Mavsar.

Gepostet von TV Koper Capodistria am Dienstag, 28. April 2020

April 28th 2020: Follow up post on RTV-SLO MMC – We have overcome all of our initial problems and finished the necessary upgrades. The project lives on.

May 1st 2020: Article in the May issue of Monitor Magazine written by Mateja Huš – Home Computers Against the Coronavirus. 

May 5th 2020: Lecture: Citizen Science Project for the Fight Against SARS-CoV-2 Using Distributed Computing for members of the Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana