Wuhobrans* - download and list of deliveries

*A Wuhobran is a plastic strip, which holds mask elastics behind your head instead of your ears.

All Wuhobrans are the work of volunteers and are uncertified. Wuhobrans are not a medical or safety product.

The use of Wuhobrans is completely at the users own risk, the manufacturers and distributors cannot be held accountable for anything regarding their use.

The product is a donation for medical workers and cannot be resold.

Distribution of Wuhobrans is limited to Slovenia, and the list of donations can be seen below.

Orders are currently closed for locations outside Slovenia, and may open after negotiations with our partners.

If you have access to a 3D printer, you are welcome to download our Wuhobran .stl file and print it for personal use or to make a donation. Selling Wuhobrans is strictly prohibited.

Delivered Wuhobrans (total: 14047)
Id Pošiljatelj Prejemnik Kol. Poslano
1 Boštjan SB Ptuj 38 30/10/2020
2 Boštjan Laboratorij Pediatrične klinike LJ 38 19/10/2020
3 xfce OŠ Žirovnica - kuharji 10 20/10/2020
4 seba Laboratorij Pediatrične klinike LJ 15 17/10/2020
5 Boštjan NMP Litija 25 21/10/2020
6 seba ZD Domžale 10 31/10/2020
7 Boštjan Medicinske sestre (via MJ) 10 02/11/2020
8 seba Radiologija, UKC MB 20 02/11/2020
9 seba Urgentni center, UKC MB 30 02/11/2020
10 seba Centralno med. sklad. UKC MB 20 02/11/2020
11 KamiSLO Radiologija, UKC MB 35 02/11/2020
12 madviper SB Ptuj 100 02/11/2020
13 KamiSLO ZD Ljubljana NMP 45 04/11/2020
14 seba ZD Slovenska Bistrica Reševalna služba 40 04/11/2020
15 seba CIIM PLUS Medicinski cener Maribor 4 04/11/2020
16 Carko Obalni dom upokojencev Koper 10 04/11/2020
17 Miha Markic Inštitut za mikrobiologijo in imunologijo (IMI) 25 04/11/2020
18 Boštjan Radiologija, UKC MB 20 04/11/2020
20 madviper ZD Ljubljana NMP 25 04/11/2020
21 KamiSLO Zas. amb. splošne medicine Brigita Baklan Markovci 4 05/11/2020
22 KamiSLO Vita et sol, Ginekološki dispanzer, Slo. Bistrica 10 05/11/2020
23 seba Dentalni studio Pavšič Jurca - LJ 8 05/11/2020
24 Boštjan ZD Slovenska Bistrica 100 06/11/2020
25 KamiSLO Center za varstvo in delo Golovec 34 06/11/2020
26 madviper Kirurški oddelek SB Trbovlje 25 06/11/2020