Citizen Science and the fight against the coronavirus

Docking suspended

After nearly two and a half years of continuous work, we are completing the project to molecular docking of molecules on biological targets associated with the disease COVID -19. During this time, we have developed

Interview of Boinc User

The supreme art of war is to subdue  the enemy without fighting. Sun Tzu The Interview about SiDock@HOME BOINC project Matteo:It is always good news when a new Boinc project starts, and even more so

Myths and Misconceptions About COVID-19

COVID-19, or rather it's agent SARS-CoV-2, also known as 2019-nCoV started causing mass uproars soon after its initial discovery, and there are still many myths surrounding the novel coronavirus (we use the word novel, as

Več... Project Visibility

March 15th 2020: First public reference of our project on the website of the Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana: March 19th 2020: Post on the Slo-Tech web portal – the first


Current target: 172*CATHEPSIN L (5MQY)

Printed and distributed Wuhobran mask holders

For any questions, ideas or comments we are available at 

In case of questions or issues regarding our software, please contact us at 

  • November 2020: We have implemented ordering and distribution of Wuhobran mask holders for medical workers in Slovenia.
  • October 2020: With the help of Microsoft we’ve finally been able to create our database of one billion compounds ready for docking. As we are currently uploading these compounds to our docking server, the statistics on this site are due to change and will not be reliable until the process has finished. We are looking forward to working with you on new challenges.
  • June 2020: Added statistics about our distributed computing group, all software clients have been updated and optimized
  • May 2020: We have successfully concluded our first mission of the project where we were using molecular docking to search for inhibitors of the main protease of SARS-nCoV-2
  • April 2020: In collaboration with NEOLINK we have developed a graphical client (GUI) for docking on Windows which also incorporates a screen saver with photos of a world-renowned photographer Beno Saradžič

Worldwide Citizen Science Projects related to  COVID-19

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